Frogs belong to the Order Anura, the largest of the three groups of amphibians. There are three groups of amphibians. Newts and salamanders (Order Caudata), Caecilians (Order Gymnopiona), and frogs and toads (Order Anura). Frogs and toads, also referred to as anurans, represent the largest of the three amphibian groups. Of the approximately 6,000 species of amphibians, about 4,380 belong to the Order Anura..
There is no taxonomic distinction between frogs and toads. The terms "frog" and "toad" are informal and do not reflect any underlying taxonomic differences. In general, the term toad is used to apply to anuran species that have rough, warty skin. The term frog is used to refer to anuran species that have smooth, moist skin.
Leaping or jumping is used as a means for evading predators, not for normal movement. Many frogs have large, muscular back limbs that enable them to launch themselves into the air.
Here Are Some Species of Frogs!
Quick Frog Facts!!
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